Chrismas Wine Party
Check out the news section below for the latest information on the Knights of the Grape Society. Here you can find important announcements and updates. Our latest news is updated frequently, so please check back regularly.
- Sat, Nov 16高畠ワイナリー・タケダワイナリーNov 16, 2024, 10:40 AM – 4:30 PM高畠ワイナリー・タケダワイナリー, 日本、〒999-2176 山形県東置賜郡高畠町糠野目2700−1山形県のワイナリーを訪問するワイナリーツアーを企画しましたのでお知らせいたします。 現地の駅に集合・解散の企画ですので、前・後泊し山形の秋を各自で楽しまれることも可能です。 11月16日(土)、高畠ワイナリー、タケダワイナリーをジャンボタクシーで訪問します。 会費 会員:23,000円 ビジター:26,000円(現地の移動代、ランチ、見学代を含む) *現地までの交通費は含みません
- Fri, Dec 13ラー・エ・ミクニDec 13, 2024, 6:30 PMラー・エ・ミクニ, 〒102-8322 東京都千代田区北の丸公園3−1 東京国立近代美術館1.日時 12月13日(金)18時受付開始、18時30分開会 18時30分から葡萄の騎士叙任式、終了後、ワイン会となります 2.場所 ラー・エ・ミクニ 千代田区北の丸公園3-1 東京国立近代美術館内 3.内容 季節のフレンチ・イタリアンに北海道産の日本ワイン4種類ほか 4.会費 会員 20,000円 ビジター 23,000円
- Thu, May 22アルバMay 22, 2025, 4:00 PM – May 26, 2025, 10:00 AMアルバ, イタリア 〒12051 クーネオ県 アルバ葡萄の騎士の会会員限定のFICB主催インターナショナル・イベント 参加を希望・検討されている方は事務局までお知らせください。 参加のためには「葡萄の騎士」の資格が必要です。 申込締切:12月30日まで、イベントのホームページよりお申込みください。 定員になり次第、終了とのことです。 日時:2026年5月22日―26日 場所:イタリア ピエモンテ州 アルバ 内容:アルバから、バローロ・バルバレスコなどのワイナリーやレストランを巡ります 費用:シングルルーム 2250ユーロ 費用には宿泊費、送迎、食事、ツアー代が含まれます。 現地集合・現地解散です。通訳はつきません。
Activity content
The vision of the Knights of the Vine of Japan is to "enlighten and support unique and high-quality Japanese wine in order to grow Japanese wine that is highly regarded in the world wine market." Therefore, through several events a year such as wine parties, wine seminars, and winery tours of multiple brands of Japanese wine, we enjoyed Japanese wine with remarkable quality improvement recently, and through exchanges between members and producers, Japanese wine. We will promote and expand the wine.
In addition, under the F.I.C.B. Charter, we will work not only to increase consumption but also to improve wine production technology and wine tasting ability to the extent possible.
Specifically, at INERNATINL CONGRESS OF WINE BROTHERHOODS, we will report the current situation of Japanese wine to overseas F.I.C.B. Knights, exchange opinions, and feed back information to Japanese wine producers. , we will establish a base to collect information on Japanese wine producing areas, disseminate and publicize it, and support producers to improve the quality of Japanese wine.
Membership system
Knight of the Vine of Japan
Members who are found to have reached the prescribed standards will be awarded the title of "Knight of Vine of Japan".
The Knights can participate in the FICB (World Wine Federation) -sponsored World Wine Knights Convention, which is held every two years.
Actual expenses such as medals and gowns are required for the appointment.
To become a Knight of Vine of Japan
Participate in our events
Participate in events organized by the Society, such as wine parties and winery tours.
If you do not have an introducer, please apply directly to the secretariat.
Membership application
When joining, Please submit the "admission application form" to the secretariat with the recommendation of one member or the secretariat.
Individual members / supporting members
Members can participate in our events at a member price.
The event will be published on the website, etc., but priority will be given to members.
Knight of Vine of Japan
Members who are found to have reached the prescribed standards will be awarded the title of "Knight of Vine".
You can participate in the World Wine Knights Convention sponsored by FICB (World Wine Federation).
52nd International Congress of Wine Brotherhoods F.I.C.B.2023
F.I.C.B.WINE TASTING CHALLENGE 個人部門、当会幹事長の坂間明彦がグランプリ受賞
1-1-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0022
Wako Gyoen Building B1F
The Brotherhood of The Knights of The Vine of Japan
Chairman Shoji Kinoshita
(Founding owner of Maestro La Conservatory, former president of Unilever Japan)