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Writer's picture葡萄の騎士の会

Wine Knights World Congress Report Day 1 Welcome Ceremony

May 27 (Sat) 18:30 Welcome ceremony at Hilton Porto Gaia

Participants are in formal attire. Participate in robes and medals from each Order of the Wine.

From the Grape Knight Association, Chairman Shoji Kinoshita and Akemi Kinoshita. Mr. Sanae Nagashima, Mr. Akihiko Sakama, Mr. Takeshi Yokokawa, and myself, Tomihiko Asada, participated.

In front of the venue entrance, I met again with the president of Casa de Sente in Viño Verde. Enter at the signal of an out-of-tune trumpet.

52nd International Congress of Wine Brotherhoods F.I.C.B2023" on the venue screen

It started with greetings from the President of Portugal, followed by greetings from Mayor of Gaia City and President of F.I.C.B Alan Bryden. 30 leaders of each Order of Wine will be on stage. Chairman Kinoshita of the Grape Knight Association also took the podium.

The national flags are Italy, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Japan, the U.S.A., Switzerland, and France. Japan is on the center left, and the host country Portugal is on the right. Japan was the only participant from Asia, and he was pleased that he came from the farthest place.

The ceremony continued and Portugal was presented with the first Meeting flag.

Four songs performed by two choirs of Gaia and Porto (choir, 12 men, 25 women).

20:00 Change the venue and start dinner

hors d'oeuvres: duck ham salad, pumpkin and apple slices and cream cheese

① DALVA2021 Douro White

Main: Cod confit (bacalau) with potatoes, spinach, cornbread and herbs

② DALVA2021 Douro Red

Dessert: Lavanada and Port Wine

③ BOEIRA Reserva Tawny

Torey More's Donald Olson reunites with Luis Madureira Pires, an investment consultant in Alentege, whom he met in Tokyo two weeks ago. The world is small.

Grape Knight

Tomihiko Asada

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